Sound of Mobility na Slovensku: Let’s Podcast Vibes of European Experience!
2. July 2024Four-days opportunity to acquire and exchange know-how and skills in podcasting, radio, and storytelling. Youth workers and others working with young people (such as peer-to-peer educators) from Slovakia ...

Journalism Next Door: Training for Media Changers in Trnava
15. April 2023Let’s empower journalism of the future! Classical news media and journalism models are struggling to keep up with current social changes. False news and hate speech are rampant ...

Be one of the real media changemakers representing your country
1. September 2022Will you be the one of those whose ideas will make the media more resilient and trustworthy? Share your suggestions and join a team that will generate ideas ...

New Training Connecting Media and Environment: Call for Participants
17. April 2022The European Dialogue and its partners are looking for participants in the new training called Media on Environment! What the training will be about? Media have an important ...

New Training That Helps Move Ideas Forward
17. April 2022The European Dialogue is looking for participants in Erasmus+ training called Moving Ideas Forward: Guidance to Successful Youth Organisations II.! What the training will be about? The second ...

Faces of Diversity: Take Part in a New Training of Youth Workers
12. April 2022The European Dialogue and its partners are looking for participants in Erasmus + training for youth workers called Faces of Diversity! What the training will be about? This ...

Mediathon postponed due to the Omicron variant
21. January 2022In light of the Omicron COVID-19 variant outbreak in Lithuania and in the region, the Mediathon, an international training for the journalists, is postponed to the end of ...

Mediathon in Lithuania: Call for Participants
9. December 2021Let’s flex the investigative reporting muscles! Are you looking for inspiration for 2022 investigations? Join Mediathlon training event in Lithuania which is an opportunity to celebrate investigative journalism, ...

Celebrating investigative journalism: Future Story Awards on February 3rd
12. November 2021The Future Story Awards 2021 will honor the excellence in investigative journalism in Lithuania and Slovakia on February 3rd, 2022, during the ceremony in Vilnius. The international jury ...

Mediathon: call for participants
16. September 2021Let’s move investigative journalism forward together! Mediathon represents a great opportunity to gain and exchange know-how in the field of an investigative journalism, make new connections, and create ...

Future Stories Award 2021 – New deadlines
25. August 2021“Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.” Walter Cronkite A brand new award has been launched to celebrate and recognise the achievements of investigative journalism, those ...

Together and across borders against extremism – join us as well
12. August 2021The increase of extremism is a phenomenon we can observe in almost all European countries in recent years. Extremism is a threat to modern advanced democracies and what ...

Future Stories Award 2021 – Call for Entries
15. July 2021“Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.” Walter Cronkite A brand new award has been launched to celebrate and recognise the achievements of investigative journalism, those ...

Media4Change community connects those who want to move media forward
26. May 2021European Dialogue and its lithuanian partner National Institute for Social Integration are working tirelessly on the development of an online interactive platform for the Media4Change community. Our intention ...

“Future Skills for Workplace Sustainability” Webinar Series
5. February 2021Trnava, 02.02.2021 European Dialogue is a partner of the webinar “The Effect of Bad Media Literacy in everything we do in Media, Business, and our lives”, which is ...

Call for participants – V4 Fall School on Media – training for young media makers in Slovakia
2. September 2019Deadline to apply: 2 October 2019, 23:59 CET. V4 Fall School on Media – training for young media makers in Slovakia What kind of stories and perspectives on ...
“Media Behind the Scenes” youth exchange in Slovakia – call for participants
26. March 2019Deadline for receiving applications is 02 April 2019, 23:59 CET. Are you interested in media literacy, critical thinking, journalistic ethic and media analysis and would like raise awareness of these ...