Sound of Mobility na Slovensku: Let’s Podcast Vibes of European Experience!
2. July 2024Four-days opportunity to acquire and exchange know-how and skills in podcasting, radio, and storytelling. Youth workers and others working with young people (such as peer-to-peer educators) from Slovakia ...

Carpe DIEM! and Explore the World of AI in Youth Work
20. November 2023Exploring the world of AI and how it can benefit the youth work, but also intercultural learning and partnership building. That’s how we can summarise experience of our ...
Protected: DiGi YOUTH Quizzes – Test page
2. November 2023There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. ...

Exploring Brussels From the Royal Palace to a Squat
5. July 2023Contrary to what populists and extremists are often saying or suggesting, Brussels is not place which wants to dictate others what to do. It’s a vibrant city with ...
How can I do fact-checking?
25. June 2023Here is a crash course for young people and youth workers interested in media literacy Author: Harry Tsatryan Don’t you think that we live in an interconnected world, ...

Connecting Media and Digital Innovators
4. May 2023Idea of the Hi!ke is to connect media makers – mainly journalists – and their audiences to meet in an unusual setting and discuss how media can better ...

Hi!ke Through the Eternal City
21. April 2023During an international meeting in Lithuania, creative minds who want to move media forward and make them more inclusive came up with the concept of Hi!ke: a series ...

Journalism Next Door: Training for Media Changers in Trnava
15. April 2023Let’s empower journalism of the future! Classical news media and journalism models are struggling to keep up with current social changes. False news and hate speech are rampant ...

Be one of the real media changemakers representing your country
1. September 2022Will you be the one of those whose ideas will make the media more resilient and trustworthy? Share your suggestions and join a team that will generate ideas ...