The Future Story Lab is a platform that was launched to support high-quality, independent, socially responsible, professional media production, that would open doors to audience engagement in investigative journalism and media itself, especially at a local level. The Future Story Lab has been established and run by the National Institute for Social Integration (Media4Change programme) from Lithuania and European Dialogue from Slovakia.

Access the Future Story Lab platform inEnglish, Slovak, and Lithuanian
We care about media and their audiences
Using online tools, organising local or international events, and providing mentoring to both aspiring and experienced media makers, the Future Story Lab is featuring prominent opportunities for professional development, networking, collaboration, knowledge exchange, and easier access to innovative and interactive tools or methods in the media sector. It also contributes to establishing or reinforcing connections between media and their audiences, notably through engaged journalism.
Get connected: Join the virtual space for learning, mentoring, collaboration, and audience engagement.
Get support: Explore training, learning, networking, and financial opportunities for media makers.
Have your say in media: Seize the opportunity to influence media content and agenda.
What All Is In
Training, learning, and networking
Concept of the project “Women’s role and education in Turkana county, Kenya”
Concept of the innovative tool: newsletter and podcast
Guide for a communication strategy for an NGO
Enhancing EU knowledge among high school students: project to engage young people more in this activity
New business model for organisation working in the field of media
Presentations by trainers and organisers
Training, learning, and networking
The Media4Change – Future Investigative Story Lab Pilot Project was co-funded by the European Commission – DG CONNECT – under the 2019 call for proposals “Media freedom and investigative journalism” (Pilot Project: Supporting investigative journalism and media freedom in the EU).