About the project
The main privilege of democracy is the right of citizens to participate in decision and policy-making processes, as well as to actively contribute to the improvement and building of the communities in which we live. However, many people, especially young people, are apathetic towards politics, do not vote, are not interested in the events around them, and are not active in their community at all. In addition, young people and the whole society, under the influence of several crises, are increasingly inclined to believe in conspiracy theories and hoaxes, which largely undermine the long-built pillars of democracy in Europe.
Growing Euroscepticism, supported by a lack of awareness of the importance and role of the European Union, threatens the stability of the entire EU. Moreover, societies are increasingly polarised. How to fight all this? By improving our knowledge in the field of the importance of active participation at the local, national, and European levels, by understanding democratic values such as freedom, equality, solidarity, or justice and by becoming familiar with various offline and online tools that facilitate democratic political and civic participation of all kinds.
The most proven approach in the field of youth participation is bottom-up, thanks to which young people gain a sense of the community which they are a part of, which gradually arouses in them a natural interest in political participation. The goal of this training was to increase the competences of youth workers in several areas related to the concept of active participation which include, for example, also volunteering and youth advocacy. In this way, European Dialogue contributes to a better understanding and use of our democratic rights and responsibilities, which can gradually contribute to improving the quality of democracy and life throughout Europe.
This non-formal learning activity was part of the Erasmus+ Accredited projects in the field of youth. Information about European Dialogue’s accreditation is also available on the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform.
- Provide participants with competences and resources in the fields of civic and political participation, primarily that one based on evidence, youth advocacy, campaigning, and media literacies.
- Raise participants’ awareness of structures of the EU institutions and opportunities to get involved in the decision and policy-making process at the European level.
- Raise participants’ awareness of the reasons for the rise of populism, extremism, and radicalization among young people and ways to tackle these trends.
- Assist participants in expanding their networks and building new partnerships and empower them to be multipliers who inspire their peers and colleagues.
About the activity
Call for participants – Slovak
The 8-days training took place from 24th April to 1st May 2023 (including two travel days) in Trnava-Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou, Slovakia. Participants came from Slovakia and from countries where partners are based. The partners of the training were Scambieuropei (Italy), Forum Młodych Dyplomatów (Poland), Tavo Europa (Lithuania), GYIOT (Hungary), TEAM4Excellence (Romania), Walktogether (Bulgaria), and IfeQ/Kinder- und Jugendparlament Charlottenburg- Wilmersdorf (Germany).
The training consisted of seminars, workshops, study visits, and individual/group work. Here you can download full final programme of the week for an inspiration.
Participants acquired a wide range of competences corresponding to current trends in the field of civic and political participation and how they can apply them in youth work activities. They also explored various opportunities that can help them in their personal life and development of their professional career.
Final materials created by participants
During the training, the participants worked individually or in groups and created non-formal learning modules on relevant topics of their choice, including theoretical background, programme of the module, and recommended resources.
Final publication featuring all materials created by participants is available here.
Resources shared by trainers and organisers
Impressions from the training
Article about the training (in Slovak)
You can check the pictures on our social media, or in the gallery.
European Dialogue / Európsky Dialóg, o.z.
Financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, KA1 – Mobility of young people for accredited organisations, through its Slovak National Agency – NIVAM.
Participants of the training can receive LinkedIn certificate. If you are one of them, please write to m.maska@europskydialog.eu for details that are needed to complete the certificate.