About the project
Media have an important role in modern societies being a main source of information for most citizens. The way of reporting and presentation of information can play an important role in the public sphere and influence political and social events, as well as shape public opinion. This is especially visible in case of topics that spark complex and sometimes polarised discussion. The environmental issues belong to this category. Moreover, it is often difficult to comprehensively understand all related topics, which can lead to higher proneness to manipulation and lower critical thinking about presented information and data.
This addressed issue is twofold. Environmental topics are often targets of misinformation and various types of manipulated content. At the same time, media and online content creators are covering them rather superficially then in depth. Therefore it’s important to empower them with competences and resources to cover environmental topics in accurate, but also attractive way and thus more effectively tackle misinformation and popularise these topics. Alongside they explore tools to make the media products more appealing and interactive (e.g. infographics or StoryMaps based on GIS technology).
The partners of the project are Youth for Equality (Slovakia), European Youth Press – Network of Young Media Makers (Germany), Mladiinfo Montenegro, Manana (Armenia), and Scambieuropei (Italy).
Information about the project and European Dialogue is also available on the EYF-CoE Networking Maps.
- To empower young media makers and online content creators to think critically about information, reveal misinformation, produce quality media and online content on environmental topics, and share experiences and best practices;
- To empower young media makers and online content creators to act as multipliers in their respective countries through media production and knowledge sharing;
- To create a trans-European network of young media makers and online content creators, who could collaborate and work together on actions against misinformation and to improve media picture of environmental topic.

Call for participants – Slovak
Call for participants – English
The training course on the topic of media and environment will take place in Trnava, Slovakia, from 29 May to 4 June 2022. It will consist of seminars, presentations, discussions, workshops, and group work. The training will bring together 17 participants from 8 countries: Slovakia, Austria, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Ukraine, and Armenia. While all are experiencing some environmental issues, they are affected by them differently and thus face different misinformation. Involvement of participants from these countries will guarantee a diverse and balanced training, debate, and production of the project’s results.
The participants will be young media makers and online content creators with an interest in environmental topics. In smaller groups, the participants will develop and produce media materials – formats and precise environment-related topics will be chosen by them. The materials will be in English to raise awareness among people from more countries.
Training elements will be complementary to each other, comprehensive, and multi-angled. The programme consists of theoretical (plenary presentations, seminars, and discussions) and practical sessions (workshops and hands-on group work). It will also include study visit to the National Geopark Malé Karpaty.
First and foremost, a common and comprehensive understanding will be created on the topic of misinformation with a specific focus on the environmental topics in Europe and beyond. This is a crucial starting point for an efficient learning process and for producing coherent and valuable content. It is important to obtain a perspective on how the misinformation affects perception of the topics and what can be done better in terms of awareness raising and media production. It is crucial that the results will provide various examples of both good and bad practices in this regard.
The participants will produce media pieces and contribute to elaboration of the Manual for media makers. The organising team, trainers and other professionals will provide guidance and support throughout the media production. The training will be followed by mentoring programme, during which the participants will further enhance their competences and produce new media.
Final materials created by participants
Manual for media production focused on environmental topics
Media materials:
Article „The eco-fights of Slovakia and Bosnia-Herzegovina: Citizens protect the environment with their own bodies“
Video „We have asked about the Climate“
Video „Trnava Care“
Story maps
Interactive map with good practices
Through the online form, soon you will be able to submit good practices, as well as cases of misinformation about environmental topics and various content debunking certain misinformation. They will be reviewed and uploaded on the map.
Interactive presentation of all materials created during the project
Presentations by trainers and organisers
To be updated