About the project
In recent years, the whole world has faced an enormous increase in disinformation and hoaxes, which spread extremely quickly and efficiently in the digital globalised world. Moreover, according to statistics, people, especially the youth, are spending more time in the online space using social media.
In order to not to become victims of conspiracies and misinformation, it is essential that they acquire several competences in the field of critical thinking and media literacies. However, the problem is that school curricula either do not include media education classes at all, or such courses are not effective enough, as the teachers and youth workers themselves do not have the necessary skills. At the same time, media literacies are a dynamically developing field.
Adults often become victims of hoaxes even faster, which is very dangerous, as they transfer this type of opinion and attitude to their children or the youth they work with. The growing tendency towards conspiracies and hoaxes greatly polarises societies and directly threatens the stability of democracy and its institutions. Understanding and navigating a huge amount of information and being able to distinguish quality media content from distorted information and disinformation is a necessary skill nowadays.
The European Dialogue is aware of this and therefore came up with this Erasmus+ training for youth workers in order to support and improve the media literacies of youth workers, who will subsequently be able to use the acquired knowledge in their daily activities, but especially when working with the youth.
This non-formal learning activity was part of the Erasmus+ Accredited projects in the field of youth. Information about European Dialogue’s accreditation is also available on the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform.
- Provide participants with competences and resources in the field of media and information literacies, including modern approaches, critical thinking, information verification, and social responsibility of media.
- Raise participants‘ awareness of how social media affect the mental health of young people and how they can help in this regard.
- Provide participants with know-how and skills to create quality, modern, and engaging media, such as animated videos, story maps, infographics, etc.
- Assist participants in expanding their networks and building new partnerships and empower them to be multipliers who inspire their peers and colleagues.
About the activity
Call for participants – Slovak
The 7-days training took place from 27th March to 02nd April 2023 (including two travel days) in Trnava-Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou, Slovakia. The partners of the training were Scambieuropei (Italy), Forum Młodych Dyplomatów (Poland), Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas (Lithuania), StampMedia (Belgium), Fak(e)ticky (the Czech Republic), GYIÖT (Hungary), and IfeQ/Kinder- und Jugendparlament Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Germany).
The training consisted of seminars, workshops, study visits, and group work. Here you can download full final programme of the week for an inspiration.
Participants acquired a wide range of competences corresponding to current trends in the field of media literacies. They also explored various opportunities that can help them in their personal life and development of their professional career.
Final materials created by participants
During the training, the participants worked in groups and created various materials of format of their choice on the topic of media and information literacies.
Final publication featuring all materials (inforgraphics, audios, texts) created by participants is available here in the format of a multimedia presentation.
Resources shared by trainers and organisers
Interactive map of resources in the field of digital youth work
Project gaMEfy – learning resources, for example interactive quiz-game
Impressions from the training
Article about the training (in Slovak)
You can check the pictures on our social media, or in the gallery.
European Dialogue / Európsky Dialóg, o.z.
Financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, KA1 – Mobility of young people for accredited organisations, through its Slovak National Agency – NIVAM.
Participants of the training can receive LinkedIn certificate. If you are one of them, please write to m.maska@europskydialog.eu for details that are needed to complete the certificate.