Michal Húska je absolvent odboru Európske štúdia na Univerzite sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. Skúsenosti z odbornej praxe absolvoval prostredníctvom pôsobenia v Kancelárií Národnej Rady Slovenskej Republiky, kde pracoval na odbore pre európske záležitosti. Absolvoval tiež stáž na Zastúpení Európskej komisie na Slovensku v rámci politického oddelenia a taktiež v think tanku GLOBSEC, kde sa podieľal na organizácií konferencií GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum 2020 a 2021.
V Európskom Dialógu sa zaoberá publikačnou a lektorskou činnosťou v rámci realizovaných projektov a je súčasťou výskumného tímu. Prostredníctvom organizácie spolupracoval na viacerých projektoch financovaných programom Erasmus+ v zahraničí.
Michal Húska is the European Studies graduate from the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. He gained his professional experience by working in the Office of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, where he worked in the Department of European Affairs. He was also involved with the political department of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia as an intern, and with the think-tank GLOBSEC, where he was a member of the team organising conferences GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum 2020 and 2021.
As a member of the research team of the European Dialogue, his work comprises publishing and lecturing activities within projects. Through the organization, he collaborated on several projects funded by the Erasmus+ programme abroad.