About the project

Youth workers often do not have it easy and have to face enormous pressure from several sides. On the one hand, they must perform excellently, mentor, motivate, and educate young people in different areas. On the other hand, they have to constantly educate themselves while being overwhelmed with administration, project, and team management. However, they also have families and need to relax, have some time for themselves. How to combine all this and not burn out? Participants in our Erasmus+ training course called “Build yourself first: Incubator of personal development” got the answer to this, and many other questions related to personal development and a successful career as a youth worker and entrepreneur.

Participants learnt how to grow as a professional youth worker and how to become a great role model for young people they are working with. They also explored various opportunities that can help them in their personal life and development of their professional career.

This non-formal learning activity was part of the Erasmus+ Accredited projects in the field of youth. Information about European Dialogue’s accreditation is also available on the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform.



  1. Provide participants with competences and resources in the fields of personal and professional development, mental health, and communication. 
  2. Improve participants’ skills in elaborating and presenting their ideas and plans.
  3. Give participants the opportunity to discover and discuss new techniques of how to solve problems.
  4. Assist participants in expanding their networks and building new partnerships and empower them to be multipliers who inspire their peers and colleagues.

About the activity

Call for participants – Slovak

The 6-days training took place from 26th September to 1st October 2022 (including two travel days) in Trnava, Slovakia. Participants came from Slovakia and from countries where partners are based. The partners of the training were Faketicky (the Czech Republic), Scambieuropei (Italy), The Future Now Association (Bulgaria), EDU Act (Albania), and Celje Youth Center (Slovenia).

The training consisted of seminars, workshops, and group/individual work. Here you can download full final programme of the week for an inspiration.

Final materials created by participants

During the training, the participants worked in groups or individually on their innovative ideas for development of their professional path, which can ultimately benefit their communities. Due to the personal nature of content of those ideas, the final materials are kept confidential.

Resources shared by trainers and organisers

Impressions from the training

Article about the training (in Slovak)

You can check the pictures on our social media, or in the gallery.


European Dialogue / Európsky Dialóg, o.z.

Financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, KA1 – Mobility of young people for accredited organisations, through its Slovak National Agency – NIVAM.

Participants of the training can receive LinkedIn certificate. If you are one of them, please write to m.maska@europskydialog.eu for details that are needed to complete the certificate.